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Spiritual Warfare

What do we do, as Christians, when we are under attack? How do we respond? How SHOULD we respond?

These are questions that have been weighing incredibly heavy on my mind and heart as of late. Probably because I feel like I am personally experiencing some of this. We also have a number of friends, family, loved ones, who are going through some form of spiritual warfare! It may be due to another person's perception of a particular situation, or individual actions taken, harsh words, retaliation, even physical health issues, the list can go on and on.

What is amazingly suspicious is that this all started happening in the same time frame, to me, to several different loved ones, and for a variety of unrelated reasons! I say it's suspicious because it's just like Satan to attack in masses!

However, this can be a very real and painful experience. My heart hurts. It hurts for those that I love so dearly, who, for some unknown reason, feel like they have been wronged in some way, either by uncontrollable circumstances, or by actions taken by another, or by a group of people. Even when they are candid enough to "explain" why they feel a certain way, it makes no logical sense to me. It's almost as if someone has molded a situation in their mind, into something completely different than it was intended. No malice was intended, yet, they have misconstrued something into a vicious act.

I also feel angry. I don't know if anger is the "Christ like" thing to feel, but it sneaks into my spirit regardless. I'm mostly angry at Satan! How DARE he try to unravel relationships?! How DARE he try to wedge his selfish, and self-serving ways in between loved ones, both friend and family? How DARE he think he can win this battle?!! He's already lost the WAR! God claimed victory long, long ago!

So, again I ask, what does one do when faced with, what feels like, an injustice against one's character, against one's heart and soul, against one's very being? I don't know. I don't know if there is a right or wrong way to blanket a universal approach upon such situations. Each experience, each condition, each incident, has its very own, personal and individual circumstances.

That being said, here is what I have CHOSEN to do. Every time the evil one starts to encourage me to lash out with harsh words, retaliate, repay anger with anger, I choose to turn to Our Heavenly Father's Word! I delve into scripture and bury my heart into His truths! I seek out His promises, His grace, His wisdom, His forgiveness! I remind myself that Satan is already defeated! The evil one has NO POWER when I claim the blood of Jesus over me, my loved ones, the circumstances, and the pain. I claim the Blood of the Lamb, the victory Jesus conquered at the Cross, and I claim His never-ending Love. It is a Love that I could never accomplish on my own. Love that supersedes everything. Love that conquers, and squelches fear and doubt. Love that silences harsh words, the naysayer, lies, and deception.

God, and only He, offers us a Love that empowers us to push through the pain and come out victorious, on the other side of Glory!!

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